The OpenCost API provides real-time and historical reporting of Kubernetes cloud costs based on on-demand list pricing as well as the cloud costs retrieved from cloud providers through their cost and usage reports.
Throughout our API documentation, we use localhost:9003
as the default OpenCost API URL, but your OpenCost instance may be exposed by a service or ingress. To reach the OpenCost API at port 9003, run: kubectl -n opencost port-forward deployment/opencost 9003
. You may also expose the OpenCost UI on port 9090 with the command kubectl -n opencost port-forward deployment/opencost 9003 9090
Examples using the API endpoints are provided in the API Examples page.
Allocation API
The standard OpenCost API query for costs and resources allocated to Kubernetes workloads based on on-demand list pricing. You may specify the window
date range, the Kubernetes primitive(s) to aggregate
on, the step
for the duration of returned sets, the resolution
for the duration to use for Prometheus queries, includeIdle
for whether to include the __idle__
usage for the cluster, shareIdle
for whether to distribute idle costs across non-idle allocations, and idleByNode
for whether to calculate idle costs per node instead of per cluster.
window | string |
required | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today , week , month , yesterday , lastweek , lastmonth ; durations like 30m , 12h , 7d ; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z ; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045 .
window=today - The current daywindow=month - The month-to-datewindow=lastweek - The previous weekwindow=30m - The last 30 minuteswindow=12h - The last 12 hourswindow=7d - The previous 7 dayswindow=2023-01-18T10:30:00Z,2023-01-19T10:30:00Z - RFC3339 date/time rangewindow=1674073869,1674193869 - Unix timestamp range
aggregate | string |
| Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: cluster , node , namespace , controllerKind , controller , service , pod , container , label:LABEL_NAME , and annotation:name . Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like aggregate=namespace,label:app .
aggregate=cluster - Aggregates by the cluster.aggregate=node - Aggregates by the compute nodes in the cluster.aggregate=namespace - Aggregates by the namespaces in the cluster.aggregate=controllerKind - Aggregates by the kinds of controllers present in the cluster.aggregate=controller - Aggregates by the individual controllers within the cluster.aggregate=service - Aggregates by the services within the cluster.aggregate=pod - Aggregates by the individual pods within the cluster.aggregate=container - Aggregates by the containers present in the cluster.
step | string |
| Duration of a single allocation set. If unspecified, this defaults to the window , so that you receive exactly one set for the entire window. If specified, it works chronologically backward, querying in durations of step until the full window is covered. Default is window .
step=30m - 30 minute steps over the duration of the window.step=2h - 2 hour steps over the duration of the windowstep=1d - Daily steps over the duration of the window (ie. lastweek or month
resolution | string |
| Duration to use as resolution in Prometheus queries. Smaller values (i.e. higher resolutions) will provide better accuracy, but worse performance (i.e. slower query time, higher memory use). Larger values (i.e. lower resolutions) will perform better, but at the expense of lower accuracy for short-running workloads. Default is 1m .
resolution=1m - Highly accurate, slower query.resolution=30m - Less accurate, faster query. Not recommended for short-lived workloads.
includeIdle | boolean |
| Whether to return the calculated __idle__ field for the query. Default is false .
shareIdle | boolean |
| Whether to distribute idle costs across non-idle allocations. Default is false . When disabled, idle costs are allocated to a separate __idle__ allocation.
When enabled, idle costs are distributed across non-idle allocations. This happens proportionally to the non-idle costs of each allocation. For example, if one allocation has twice as much non-idle costs as another, it also receives twice the amount of idle costs. This calculation happens separately for each resource (like CPU or RAM). You can choose to distribute idle costs per cluster or per node using the idleByNode parameter.
idleByNode | boolean |
| Whether to calculate idle costs per node instead of per cluster. Default is false .
Assets API
The Assets API retrieves backing cost data broken down by individual assets in your cluster. It is not yet exposed in the UI.
window | string |
required | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today , week , month , yesterday , lastweek , lastmonth ; durations like 30m , 12h , 7d ; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z ; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045 .
window=today - The current daywindow=month - The month-to-datewindow=lastweek - The previous weekwindow=30m - The last 30 minuteswindow=12h - The last 12 hourswindow=7d - The previous 7 dayswindow=2023-01-18T10:30:00Z,2023-01-19T10:30:00Z - RFC3339 date/time rangewindow=1674073869,1674193869 - Unix timestamp range
Cloud Costs API
The Cloud Costs API retrieves cloud cost data from cloud providers by reading cost and usage reports. You will need additional configuration for supporting the billing integration with your cloud provider.
window | string |
required | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today , week , month , yesterday , lastweek , lastmonth ; durations like 30m , 12h , 7d ; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z ; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045 .
window=today - The current daywindow=month - The month-to-datewindow=lastweek - The previous weekwindow=30m - The last 30 minuteswindow=12h - The last 12 hourswindow=7d - The previous 7 dayswindow=2023-10-18T10:30:00Z,2023-10-19T10:30:00Z - RFC3339 date/time rangewindow=1674073869,1674193869 - Unix timestamp range
aggregate | string |
| Field by which to aggregate the results.
Accepts: invoiceEntityID , accountID , provider , providerID , category , and service .
Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like aggregate=provider,service .
If no value is provided, the entire list of items is returned.
aggregate=accountID - Aggregates by the Account.aggregate=category - Aggregates by the individual controllers within the cluster.aggregate=invoiceEntityID - Aggregates by the Invoice Entity.aggregate=provider - Aggregates by the Provider.aggregate=providerID - Aggregates by the Provider ID.aggregate=service - Aggregates by the Service.
accumulate | string |
| Step size of the accumulation.
Accepts: all , hour , day , week , month , and quarter .
Default: day
filter | string |
| V2 filter parameter. |
External Costs API
Samples of costs of third-party services. Essentially equivalent to calling /total
over a range of time steps. For example, querying for the past 7 days will give you a /total
response for each of those days, individually. All available aggregations and filters are the same as with /total
window | string |
required | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today , week , month , yesterday , lastweek , lastmonth ; durations like 30m , 12h , 7d ; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z ; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045 .
window=today - The current daywindow=month - The month-to-datewindow=lastweek - The previous weekwindow=30m - The last 30 minuteswindow=12h - The last 12 hourswindow=7d - The previous 7 dayswindow=2024-05-18T10:30:00Z,2024-05-19T10:30:00Z - RFC3339 date/time rangewindow=1674073869,1674193869 - Unix timestamp range
aggregate | string |
| Field by which to aggregate the results.
Accepts: invoiceEntityID , accountID , provider , providerID , category , and service .
Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like provider,service .
If no value is provided, the entire list of items is returned.
aggregate=accountID - Aggregates by the Account.aggregate=category - Aggregates by the individual controllers within the cluster.aggregate=invoiceEntityID - Aggregates by the Invoice Entity.aggregate=provider - Aggregates by the Provider.aggregate=providerID - Aggregates by the Provider ID.aggregate=service - Aggregates by the Service.
accumulate | string |
| Step size of the accumulation.
Accepts: all , hour , day , week , month , and quarter .
Default: day
accumulate=hour accumulate=day accumulate=week
filter | string |
| The available filters are the same as the available aggregations. Accepts: V2 filter parameters.
filter=domain:"datadog" filter=resourceType:"infra_hosts" filter=zone:"us"
Used to retrieve a summary of third-party costs over a window.
window | string |
required | Duration of time over which to query. Accepts: words like today , week , month , yesterday , lastweek , lastmonth ; durations like 30m , 12h , 7d ; RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z ; Unix timestamps like 1578002645,1580681045 .
window=today - The current daywindow=month - The month-to-datewindow=lastweek - The previous weekwindow=30m - The last 30 minuteswindow=12h - The last 12 hourswindow=7d - The previous 7 dayswindow=2024-05-18T10:30:00Z,2024-05-19T10:30:00Z - RFC3339 date/time rangewindow=1674073869,1674193869 - Unix timestamp range
aggregate | string |
| Field by which to aggregate the results.
Accepts: invoiceEntityID , accountID , provider , providerID , category , and service .
Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like provider,service .
If no value is provided, the entire list of items is returned.
aggregate=accountID - Aggregates by the Account.aggregate=category - Aggregates by the individual controllers within the cluster.aggregate=invoiceEntityID - Aggregates by the Invoice Entity.aggregate=provider - Aggregates by the Provider.aggregate=providerID - Aggregates by the Provider ID.aggregate=service - Aggregates by the Service.
accumulate | string |
| Step size of the accumulation.
Accepts: all , hour , day , week , month , and quarter .
Default: day
accumulate=hour accumulate=day accumulate=week
filter | string |
| The available filters are the same as the available aggregations. Accepts: V2 filter parameters.
filter=domain:"datadog" filter=resourceType:"infra_hosts" filter=zone:"us"
OpenAPI Swagger
The source for the OpenCost API is available as an OpenAPI swagger.json.
The OpenCost API is available under the Apache 2.0 License.
Theoretical error bounds
Tuning the resolution parameter allows the querier to make tradeoffs between accuracy and performance. For long-running pods (>1d) resolution can be tuned aggressively low (>10m) with relatively little effect on accuracy. However, even modestly low resolutions (5m) can result in significant accuracy degradation for short-running pods (<1h).
Here, we provide theoretical error bounds for different resolution values given pods of differing running durations. The tuple represents lower- and upper-bounds for accuracy as a percentage of the actual value. For example:
- 1.00, 1.00 means that results should always be accurate to less than 0.5% error
- 0.83, 1.00 means that results should never be high by more than 0.5% error, but could be low by as much as 17% error
- -1.00, 10.00 means that the result could be as high as 1000% error (e.g. 30s pod being counted for 5m) or the pod could be missed altogether, i.e. -100% error.
resolution | 30s pod | 5m pod | 1h pod | 1d pod | 7d pod |
1m | -1.00, 2.00 | 0.80, 1.00 | 0.98, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 |
2m | -1.00, 4.00 | 0.80, 1.20 | 0.97, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 |
5m | -1.00, 10.00 | -1.00, 1.00 | 0.92, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 |
10m | -1.00, 20.00 | -1.00, 2.00 | 0.83, 1.00 | 0.99, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 |
30m | -1.00, 60.00 | -1.00, 6.00 | 0.50, 1.00 | 0.98, 1.00 | 1.00, 1.00 |
60m | -1.00, 120.00 | -1.00, 12.00 | -1.00, 1.00 | 0.96, 1.00 | 0.99, 1.00 |